殉道者游斯丁(Justin Martyr,或譯:猶斯定、查斯丁),與馬吉安屬同一時代,生於第二世紀初,地點是納布盧斯(Nablus),即聖經裡的示劍(Shechem),死於165年,父親是希臘人。
游斯丁在著作中多次提及「使徒的回憶錄」(memoirs of apostles)。但是,他在著作中引述福音書的句子,大多不是直接引述任何一卷福音書。可能他引述時蓄意剪裁福音書原文,或者他直接引用一本福音書「協調本」的內文。如果他真的引用「協調本」,而不是直接引用「四福音書」,原因可能是他寫作時沒有「四福音書」抄本;但另一個可能,是根本當時沒有什麼「正典」的概念(Allert, 2007, Ch. 4),各文獻的權威程度都不同,程度較高的便會更多被引用。

《護教書第一冊》(First Apology)
《護教書第二冊》(Second Apology)
《與特來弗對話錄》(Dialogue with Trypho)
當中多處引述了三卷符類福音書 (〈馬可福音〉、〈馬太福音〉、〈路加福音〉)的內容,但明顯沒有引述〈約翰福音〉的內容。

Marcus Dods 及 George Reith英譯本注有譯者認為曾引述的福音書章節,包括〈馬太福音〉(例:Dialogue with Trypho, 第35, 49, 51, 76, 93, 99, 100, 103, 105, 122, 和125章) 和〈路加福音〉(例:Dialogue with Trypho, 第76, 81, 96, 100, 103, 和105章)。譯者雖然沒有注釋〈馬可福音〉引用平衡經文章節,但很明顯有些引用的內容是相同的;例:《與特來弗對話錄》第100章其中一句,譯者注釋是引自〈馬太福音〉16:21,但其實〈馬可福音〉8:31 內容也相同:見《與特來弗對話錄》與〈馬太福音〉和〈馬可福音〉的比較。
游斯丁的著作,已譯成多國語言,其中包括1885年出版的英譯,譯者是Marcus Dods 及 George Reith,節錄部份內容如下 (摘自:Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 1. Edited by Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson, and A. Cleveland Coxe (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1885);修訂及編輯:Kevin Knight,刊於 New Advent):
《護教書第一冊》(First Apology) 英譯本
66.3 For the apostles, in the memoirs composed by them….
67.3 And on the day called Sunday, all who live in cities or in the country gather together to one place, and the memoirs of the apostles or the writings of the prophets are read, as long as time permits; then, when the reader has ceased, the president verbally instructs, and exhorts to the imitation of these good things.
《與特來弗對話錄》(Dialogue with Trypho) 英譯本
78.5 But when the Child was born in Bethlehem, since Joseph could not find a lodging in that village, he took up his quarters in a certain cave near the village; and while they were there Mary brought forth the Christ and placed Him in a manger, and here the Magi who came from Arabia found Him.
81.4-5 … And further, there was a certain man with us, whose name was John, one of the apostles of Christ, who prophesied, by a revelation that was made to him, that those who believed in our Christ would dwell a thousand years in Jerusalem; and that thereafter the general, and, in short, the eternal resurrection and judgment of all men would likewise take place.
100.4 … in the Gospel it is written that He said: ‘All things are delivered unto me by My Father.’ […] Hence, also, among His words He said, when He was discoursing about His future sufferings: ‘The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the Pharisees and Scribes, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again.
101.3 … they spoke in mockery the words which are recorded in the memoirs of His apostles: ‘He said he was the Son of God: let him come down; let God save him.’
102.5 … as has been declared in the memoirs of His apostles, in order that what is recorded by Isaiah might have efficacious fruit….
103.6-8 … is recorded in the memoirs of the apostles to have come to Him and tempted Him…. For in the memoirs which I say were drawn up by His apostles and those who followed them….
104.1 … And this is recorded to have happened in the memoirs of His apostles.
105.1-6 … He was the only-begotten of the Father of all things, being begotten in a peculiar manner Word and Power by Him, and having afterwards become man through the Virgin, as we have learned from the memoirs…. these words are recorded in the memoirs: ‘Unless your righteousness exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.’
106.1-4 … as is made evident in the memoirs of the apostles…. as is recorded in the memoirs of His apostles….
107.1 And that He would rise again on the third day after the crucifixion, it is written in the memoirs that….