機構 ✠ Organisations
Digital Bible Society
Evangel Bible Translators
Faith Comes By Hearing
Forum of Bible Agencies International
Global Recordings Network Australia
Home for Bible Translators
Lutheran Bible Translators
Talking Bibles International
The Word for the World
Wycliffe Global Alliance
閱讀聖經網 ✠ Bible reading sites
Bible Gateway
Biblia (Logos Bible Software)
Blue Letter Bible
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Crosswalk Bible Study Tools
Early Christian Writings
Germany Bible Society:
- Hebrew Old Testament following the text of the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia
- Greek New Testament following the text of the Novum Testamentum Graece (ed. Nestle-Aland), 28. Edition and the UBS Greek New Testament
- Greek Old Testament following the text of the Septuagint (ed. Rahlfs/Hanhart)
- Latin Bible following the text of the Vulgate (ed. Weber/Gryson)
New Advent Bible
The Word—Bible software
網上聖經研讀資料 ✠ Websites on Bible studies
Bible Study Tools
Christian Bible Reference Site
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Soooradio: 經人故事 (主持人包括:環球聖經公會香港總幹事廖金源牧師、《啓示與文字 – 中文聖經翻譯的故事》作者唐子明博士)
聯合聖經公會聖經翻譯網站 ✠ United Bible Societies—UBS Translations
UBS Translations
The Bible Translator (the journal):
- Cao Jian (2006) The Chinese Mandarin Bible: Exegesis and Bible translating (BT 2006 57/3:122-138) (作者以施約瑟在1874年出版的《北京官話舊約全書》〈創世紀〉第1至第4章為例,討論釋經與譯經。又稱「施約瑟官話譯本」)
- Chinese Names for God (BT 1978 29/3:338) (有關「神」的中譯的意見調查)
- Foley, Toshikazu S. (2008) Translating Biblical Texts into Chinese: The Pioneer Venture of the Nestorian Missionaries (BT 2008 59/3:113-121) (簡介《大秦景教流行中國碑》)
- Hong, Joseph (2002) Revision of the Chinese Union Version Bible (CUV): Assessing the Challenges from an Historical Perspective (BT 2002 53/2:238-248) (從歷史角度看《和合本修訂版》)
- Kramers, R. P. (1956) Some Thoughts on Revision of the Bible in Chinese (BT 1956 07/4:152-161) (探討《和合本》和呂振中《新約新譯修稿》的貢獻和問題)
- Kramers, R. P. (1963) On Being Polite in Chinese (BT 1963 14/4:165-173) (論中文敬語與聖經翻譯)
- Ku, Tun-Jou (1957) Notes on the Chinese Version of the Bible (BT 1957 08/4:160-165) (討論中文聖經的誤譯)
- Lancashire, D. (1958) Chinese Language Reform (BT 1958 09/1:26-36) (外國學者看簡體字與中文聖經翻譯的關係)
- Murray, A. H. Jowett (1953) A Review of Lu Chen-chung’s Revised Draft of the New Translation of the New Testament in Chinese (BT 1953 04/4:165-168) (品評呂振中《新約新譯修稿》)
- Peng, Kuo-Wei (2003) Translating Eirene in Pauline Epistolary Greetings into Chinese (BT 2003 54/2:234-240) (論翻譯保羅書信的問安)
- Peng, Kuo-Wei (2012) Contemplating the Future of Chinese Bible Translation: A Functionalist Approach (BT 2012 63/1:1-16) (論述以目標讀者為本的翻譯模式)
- Sheppard, G. W. (1955) The Problem of Translating ‘God’ into Chinese (BT 1955 06/1:23-30) (討論「天」、「神」、「上帝」、「天主」、「天父」等中譯問題)
網誌和資料庫 ✠ Blogs and resources
Better Bibles Blog
Bible * Literature * Translation
Biblical Studies Blog (News relating to biblical studies in Greek)
BillMounce (A blog by Bill Mounce, member of the NIV translation committee)
Evangelical Textual Criticism
Internet Bible Catalog (A web-based catalogue of printed editions of the Bible)
New and Interesting Bibles (A blog updated frequently that talks about new, interesting and unusual Bibles, versions and translations)
the LAB (The Logos Academic Blog)
Union Presbyterian Seminary: Internet Resources for Theology Students
Wycliffe College: Biblical Research Tools
希伯來文 / 希臘文 ✠ Hebrew / Greek
Biblia Hebracia
Biblical Hebrew Made Easy
Bible Works Greek and Hebrew Fonts
Journal of Hebrew Scripture
Learn Greek Online
Learn Hebrew For Free
Moods and Tenses of N.T. Greek
New Testament Greek
Online Hebrew Tutorial Version 2.0
Searchable Greek Lexicon